General weather today:
Western currents will bring humid air masses to the Alps.
General weather tomorrow:
Weak high pressure will ensure a calm autumn day.
Il tempo domani:
In the afternoon it will be partly sunny, partly cloudy. In the evening isolated rain showers are possible in the north-west of South Tyrol.
Temp. min.: 9°
Temp. max.: 17° |
High temperatures between 13° and 18°.
Weather tomorrow:
Sunday will be quite sunny after local low clouds in the morning. During the day high clouds will pass through.
Temp. min.: 8°
Temp. max.: 19° |
The highest temperatures range from 15° to 19°.
Mountain weather today:
On the mountains, some clouds ensure changing visibility conditions. In between, however, there are a few sunny spells.
Temperature in 2.000m: | 3° |
Temperature in 3.000m: | -1° |
0° limit: | 2800 m |
Mountain weather tomorrow:
More clouds on the alpine crest than in the South.
Temperature in 2.000m: | 8° |
Temperature in 3.000m: | 2° |
0° limit: | 3400 m |
Weather development
On Monday, there will be a mixture of sun and clouds. Tuesday will be mostly sunny. Wednesday will also be sunny with a few high clouds. The clouds are expected to increase again on Thursday.
Monday 14.10 |
Tuesday 15.10 |
Wednesday 16.10 |
H | B | B |
7 / 18° | 7 / 19° | 7 / 20° |
Source: Hydrographic office Autonomous province of Bozen and Weather South Tyrol